Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello UDL friends,
Check out my website.
Thus far, I have really only constructed the "hear our stories" section
of the site. Watch the "welcome video" on the homepage and then
have fun navigating throughout the pages. Good luck.

Monday, March 10, 2008

text to speech

I have been using kurzweil, an e-text alternative to traditional reading. While it improves my comprehension of the material, I fear that I am growing dependent on it. As beautiful as the concept of UDL is, the reality is that there are not text-to-speech options in the work place and everyday life. I want to make sure, therefore, that I am enhancing my literacy skills. Do etexts like UDL editions or kurzweil improve reading in the long run or do they just facilitate it in the meantime?

At Charter School, Higher Teacher Pay

I am interested in what you guys think about this new charter school.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dove Evolution

I believe this video exemplifies the importance of stressing new kinds of representation, communication, and education in the 21st century. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty incorporates UDL principles by using multiple formats (articles, websites, photos, videos) to convey their messages to girls all over the world.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hey UDL friends,
Welcome to my blog— a place where we can hash out ideas and theories on Universal Design. I am not exactly sure of this blog’s real purpose yet, but I suppose I can get started by telling you a little bit about me.

I’m a Boston native (Go Sox!), though I’d been living on the tropical island of Manhattan for some six years before starting at HGSE. As an American Studies major at Barnard College, I focused on immigration in the latter half of the 20th Century. After school, I worked as a freelance film editor and then as an associate producer on all sorts of documentaries from floods in Senegal to Fidel Castro’s agrarian policies.

For the past two years, I’ve been working on a film about dyslexia. Using both animation and verite, the film explores the inner worlds of four individuals as they grapple with their learning disabilities on a daily basis. Every member of our film crew is dyslexic, including myself, so it is a remarkable experience working in an environment where LD is the norm.

UDL was first introduced to me last fall in Stone Wiske’s class. I quickly became enamored with its openness to all kinds of minds and its critique of the systematic exclusion of some types of learners in schools and beyond. So I am eager to delve deeper this semester in UDL, as it exemplifies the kind of spirit of pedagogy I hope to employ in my own classroom one day.

Monday, February 4, 2008